Janna LT Bold
Janna LT Bold is a Bold TrueType Font. It has been downloaded 554865 times. 587 users have given the font a rating of 4.45 out of 5. Check out Character Map section to understand the Calligraphy of Janna LT Bold.

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Janna LT Bold is an Arabic font that comes with a variation planned by Nadine Chahine. It was sketched in view of the first Avenir. Janna (Arabic: جنّة), which signifies "paradise" in Arabic. It was first structured in 2004 as a signage face for the American University of Beirut. The Arabic glyphs depend on the recently discharged Frutiger Arabic however were made increasingly rakish. Due to its cultural and technical significance and relevance, this arabic font is highly used as a default typeface for systems and designs. This font is compatible for powerpoint presentations and designs as well, you can simply download this font and use it in your presentations.
Two roman textual styles, in normal and intense loads, were created. The typeface bolsters ISO Adobe 2, Latin Extended, Arabic, Persian, and Urdu characters, and plain numerals for the upheld dialects.
Font Information
- Font Name
- Janna LT Bold
- Font Style
- Bold
- Font Type
- TrueType
- Font Embedding
- Installable
- Font Tags
- Janna,Bold
- Number of Glyphs
- None
- Font File Size
- 63.2 KB
- Total Downloads
- 554865
- Font Rating
- ★★★★★
Character Map