A Arghavan Bold

A Arghavan Bold is a Bold TrueType Font. It has been downloaded 97412 times. 115 users have given the font a rating of 4.26 out of 5. Check out Character Map section to understand the Calligraphy of A Arghavan Bold.

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A Arghavan Bold is default bold Font face arabic font. It is justified by style and design. Calligraphy used is very specific for all arabic scripts and widely used by our users from Perso-Arabic Region. It has been rated as one of the most versatile and multi purpose Arabic Font. 

If you want an arabic font similar to A Arghavan Bold, we suggest 2 Narenj Regular

Font Information

Font Name
A Arghavan Bold
Font Style
Font Type
Font Embedding
Font Tags
Number of Glyphs
Font File Size
15.1 KB
Total Downloads
Font Rating

Character Map

Character Map of A Arghavan Bold

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