KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh Regular

KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh Regular is a Regular TrueType Font. It has been downloaded 308931 times. 336 users have given the font a rating of 4.29 out of 5. Check out Character Map section to understand the Calligraphy of KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh Regular.

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KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh Regular is another exciting and wonderful Arabic Font which adopts its writing style in a Naskh. It is majorly related with Arabic Script and also other related languages like Urdu, Punjabi and especially every region in the world where Perso-Arabic scripts are used. KFGQPC Uthmanic Script HAFS Regular and KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh Regular, both are closely related to each other and have been preferred by Designers and Magazines Editor and Other Arabic Bloggers who want elegant and awesome Arabic Font for their use.  This font is compatible for powerpoint presentations and designs as well, you can simply download this font and use it in your presentations.

Font Information

Font Name
KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh Regular
Font Style
Font Type
Font Embedding
Font Tags
Number of Glyphs
Font File Size
91.1 KB
Total Downloads
Font Rating

Character Map

Character Map of KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh Regular

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